Best of the blockchain scene in Zagreb

Join the brightest minds of blockchain industry, network with the veterans of the industry, the best developers, auditors, artists and take a deep dive into DeFi, NFT or any other three letter things that come in the next bull market

Calimero Network

A next-generation Open Web platform that allows businesses to protect their data while benefiting from open-source applications and the benefits of public blockchain networks. Calimero champions the Open Web as an alternative to closed systems, enabling users to control their data, enhance trust through smart contracts, and prioritize privacy...

Calimero Network

4PTO Venture Labs

We’re a team of industry veterans with a cumulative total of more than 40 years in the tech industry. As founders, developers, and investors we’ve been involved in the blockchain space from the very beginning. We specialize in end to end Web3 product development from R&D of complex systems, rapid prototyping and product and solution design.

4PTO Venture Labs


REZOLUT is a web3 marketing and growth hub helping businesses navigate & succeed in the rapidly-evolving web3 ecosystem. We do growth, drive engagement, increase adoption, retain users.


Near Balkans

NEAR Balkans is the regional hub open for everyone interested in learning about, using or building on the NEAR protocol in the Balkan countries.NEAR Balkans Hub is among the first NEAR Ecosystem Regional Hubs set up globally operating over 2 years and counting.

Near Balkans

UBIK- Croatian Blockchain Association

The Association for Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (UBIK) was founded in 2017 with the aim of gathering the community around the new technology - Blockchain. It brings together all professionals and enthusiasts in Croatia who are involved with Blockchain technology. UBIK organizes workshops and educational events, collaborates with regulators, and holds regular meetings with its members.


Money Motion

Money Motion - a rewamp of regional (CEE) fintech conference scene. 2023 exceeded expectations by hosting more than 1300 attendees in March 2023 in Zagreb. Money Motion established itself as a strong regional player in the fintech scene and a neutral ground for banks, fintechs, crypto companies and startups to converse and interact in a nurturing environment, where they can network and talk during the day and relax and socialize during the night with a set of unforgettable parties.

Money Motion


ZEROXEFFORT is a UX UI Web3 agency whose focus is on bringing an Effortless Web3 experience to the world of blockchain. It combines the customer approach from web2 and specifics of web3 and is operated by web2 and web3 industry veterans.



Taxtris is a Tax Reporting Tool for Digital Asset Platforms. Our mission is to create seamless tax reporting tool that helps platforms align their compliance obligations with local tax authorities, while in same time generate value to users with easy to use and build-in tax reports that save their time and maximise their investment opportunities.



Klaster is a protocol which enables easy integration of cross-chain capabilities into new and existing ERC20 tokens, NFTs & smart wallets. Built on top of Chainlink CCIP, it drastically simplifies the development of multichain DeFi & NFT apps, while inheriting CCIPs class-leading security & reliability.


Future of WEB3 open Brainstorming session

Every first friday of each month at 14 pm we hold a freestyle brainstorming session about the future of Blockchain, DeFi, NFT or Metaverse space. Nothing fancy just some fellow degens and shadowy coders hanging out together.


Workshops and talks @ HOB

Want to give a talk or hold a workshop in our space? Apply here.

As coworking dynamics continually evolve and our tenant roster remains fluid, we recommend reaching out with an inquiry for the most up-to-date information.

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